Live CPN Review | February 2024
The Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN) Exam is a professional step to illustrate a solid foundation in pediatric knowledge and skills necessary to deliver safe, competent care to pediatric patients. An important component of test preparation is a review course that challenges your ability to apply knowledge and skills to pediatric scenarios in a variety of topics.
This review course has been built for Nemours Associates using the latest CPN Exam Blueprint. The course is intended for nurses who are in pursuit if a national certification in pediatric nursing. This series of speakers provides nurses the opportunity to attend system based, didactic sessions that review, discuss and analyze content to prepare for the CPN exam. The course sessions may be taken individually however, it will be most beneficial to attend all sessions.
Am I Ready to Test? Follow this link to review your test taking readiness, then enroll in this course to continue your journey to a national certification.
Course Sessions:
- Health Promotion & Assessment Across the Continuum | Kelly Eberbach DNP, MBA, RN, CPN, CPEN
- Behavior & Mental Health Conditions | Kelly Eberbach DNP, MBA, RN, CPN, CPEN
- Clinical Conditions of the Cardiac System | Laura McKenzie MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN
- Clinical Conditions of the Respiratory System | Kim Zalewski BSN, RN, CPN
- Clinical Conditions of the Musculoskeletal System | Edy Rivera BSN, RN,
- Clinical Conditions of the Infectious Diseases & Immunologic Conditions | Kim Zalewski BSN, RN, CPN
- Clinical Conditions of Hematology / Oncology / Neurology | Kelly Radecky RN
- Conditions related to Fluid & Electrolyte Balance / Endocrine Conditions | Karen Pierce MSN, RN-BC, CCRN-K, NPE-BC
- Clinical Conditions of the Genitourinary System / Gastrointestinal System | Karen Pierce MSN, RN-BC, CCRN-K, NPE-BC
Program Directors:
Questions can be directed to Laura McKenzie MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN at Laura.Mckenzie.Nemours.Org or Kim Zalewski BSN, RN, CPN at [email protected]
Target Audience
This program is intended for all NCH RN's preparing for the Certified Pediatric Nursing Exam. Others are welcome as space permits.
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
- review pathophysiology for pediatric body systems.
- apply evidence and best practice for relevant pediatric topics.
- apply assessment criteria for relevant pediatric conditions.
- prepare for CPN exam with a thorough review of relevant pediatric topics.
Nemours Children's Hospital, Orlando, Conference Room C on the main floor near the auditorium.
Nemours Children's Hospital Delaware, TBD, Conference Room or Teams link.
Pensacola, Jacksonville, Nemours Clinics may join through the Teams link.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device:
Laura McKenzie, MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN
Kimberly Zalewski, BSN, RN, CPN
Kelly Carlson Eberbach, DNP, MBA, RN, CPN, CPEN
Kelly Carlson Eberbach, DNP, MBA, RN, CPN, CPEN
Karen Pierce, MSN, PED-BC, CCRN-K, NPD-BC
Kelly Radecky
Edayra Rivera Juarbe, RN, BSN
Nemours Children’s Health is accredited by the Florida Board of Nursing to provide nursing continuing education. Provider #50-1428 has accredited this course for 8.0 contact hours for attendance at all sessions.
Available Credit
- 8.00 Nursing Contact Hour – Florida Board of Nursing
Provider approved by the Florida Board of Registered Nursing. Provider number # 50-1428.
This activity is designated for 8.00 contact hours.