Nemours Children’s is one of the largest integrated pediatric health systems in the country. Everything we do — our medical care, research, education, and prevention and advocacy efforts — is focused on taking pediatric care well beyond medicine. Whether your work is in clinical care, research, healthcare administration, executive leadership, or other areas of healthcare, the accredited continuing education that we provide is designed to address learning gaps relevant to your practice.

Our CE Mission Statement

“Nemours Children’s Health will improve the competence and performance of the clinical care team by providing evidence-based interprofessional continuing education activities with content that supports the healthcare team in developing strategies to create the healthiest generations of children.”

Our CE Accreditation

In 2021, Nemours Children's Health set out on a mission to achieve Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education.  We are thrilled to announce that in November 2024, Nemours Children's Health successfully achieved this accreditation.  

Joint Accreditation enables Nemours Children's Health to offer continuing education credits to multiple professions through a single, unified application process and accreditation standards.  This further solidifies our commitment to fostering collaborative education for the team, by the team.

By learning with, from, and about each other, healthcare teams can enhance their collaborative practice, leading to improved patient outcomes.  Our accredited programs cover a wide range of professions, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and more.  Learn more about Joint Accreditation.

Nemours Children's Health is excited to offer continuing education credits through Joint Accreditation's collaborating organizations listed below.