Monday, December 9 | 7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.
Topics: Respiratory Care, Feeding Issues
Should Two-Person NRP Teams Attend Routine Cesarean Sections?
Exclusive Human Milk Diet Supports Fatty Acid Intake in Very Low Birthweight Infants
Necrotizing enterocolitis and Spontaneous intestinal perforation in preterm neonates <32 weeks’ gestation within the first 10 days of life: risk factors and outcomes
Association of Human Milk Fortifier and Feeding Intolerance in Preterm Infants
Longterm Pulmonary Parenchymal Change in Preterm Infants via Quantitative CT Assessment
Simple Early-Life Predictors of Respiratory Disease in Infants with Oligohydramnios
Quality Improvement Bundle for Reducing Exposure To Mechanical Ventilation in Preterm Infants
Surfactant Therapy in Mature Preterm Infants with RDS in Northern California, 2019-2023
Surfactant use among Neonates in the United States: An analysis using the CDC WONDER Database
More bronchopulmonary dysplasia with improved survival in extremely preterm infants
Fortifying Neonatal Care in Ghana: An Annual Training Initiative
Enhancing Neonatal Intubation with Deep Learning: Automated Identification of Airway Anatomy
Optimizing Growth: Tracking Malnutrition and Growth Garden Implementation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Tuesday, December 10 | 7:00 a.m. - 7:50 a.m.
Topics: Preemie & Micropreemie, Hematology, Education
Conundrum of defining iron deficiency in neonates at birth: Is it time for standardized definition?
Are very low birth infants iron deficient at birth?
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Equivalent as an Early Indicator of Iron Deficiency in Infants of Anemic Mothers
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Infants of Diabetic Mothers Using Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Equivalent
Innovative Treatment Option for Rapidly Involuting Congenital Hemangioma: Case Report
Infant and Neonatal Pressure Prediction Score: A Novel Way to Assess Breakdown Risk
Describing X-Ray Utilization Patterns in Neonates for POCUS Appropriate Indications
Implementing An Onsite Longitudinal POCUS Training Curriculum in a Large Academic NICU
Assessing Extrauterine Growth Retardation in VLBW Infants Static VS longitudinal EUGR
Association between Exposure to Histological Chorioamnionitis and Neurodevelopmental disorders of Very Preterm Infants at 6 Years of Age: The Neonatal Research Network Japan
Research Priorities for the Most Premature Babies Born < 25 Weeks of Gestation: Results of an International Priority Setting Partnership
Bereaved Parent Educator Curriculum: A Trauma-Informed Onboarding Pilot
Efficacy of enteral sulfonylurea therapy for extremely low birth weight infants
Wednesday, December 11 | 7:00 a.m. - 7:50 a.m.
Topics: Social Determinants of Health, Genetics, Neurology, Toxicology, Maternal Care, Neonatal Follow-Up & Quality
Expansion of a Dedicated TeleNeo Critical Care Service Enhances Newborn Patient Care
The Neonatal CATCH Program at CHOP: An Innovative Approach to Neonatal Follow-up
Implementation of Newborn Early Warning System in Government Hospital, United Arab Emirates
Impact of Revised AAP Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia Guidelines on Phototherapy Use
Leveraging Culture Data to Justify a 24-Hour Antibiotic Duration in Early Onset Sepsis
Preliminary analysis of postpartum care center use and newborn infection risk in Korea
White Matter Fiber Tracts & Deformational Plagiocephaly
Enhancing Early Detection An Innovative Screening Method for Cortical Visual Impairment
Brain care Bundle in Preterm Infants
Impact of rs2268490 polymorphism on Brain Development in Preterm Infants
Cannabis Use During Pregnancy: A Prevalence Study in Meconium Samples
IVH Care Bundle (IVHCB) success pillars.pdf
Virtual Presentations