Florida Cardiac Nursing 102 | December
Annual CCCU Nursing educational bootcamp that consists of didactic and simulation to focus on cardiac specific skills and concepts.
Target Audience
CCCU RN and Staffing Resource Pool RN's
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity participants will be able to:
- Identify components of an EKG waveform and differentiate abnormal rhythms, correct interventions, and clinical management of the abnormal rhythms.
- Review mechanical ventilation modes and discuss clinical management strategies related to cardiac anatomy.
- Recognize pacing modes, and settings, and state potential pacing complications with appropriate trouble shooting.
- Describe single ventricle physiology in the pre-operative stage, surgical repairs and nursing considerations for pre/post operative care.
- Associate key policies related to the CCCU environment, discuss documentation requirements unique to CCCU, identify HAI bundle elements most impactful to the cardiac child.
- Predict the medications commonly used for management of cardiac conditions and demonstrate accurate medication calculations.
Contact Information: If you have any questions regarding this course please contact the Course Coordinator, Laura McKenzie, [email protected]
Cardiac Conference Room A6155
To view the full bio of faculty, please click on their name.
Laura McKenzie, MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN
Laura McKenzie, MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN
Provider approved by the Florida Board of Registered Nursing. Provider number # 50-1428. Please check with your accreditation board to ensure that they accept Florida Board of Nursing Contact Hours. Below are the credit types available to you per your professional designation.
Available Credit
- 4.50 Continuing EducationThis activity is designated for 4.50 continuing education credits.
- 4.50 Nursing Contact Hour – Florida Board of Nursing
Provider approved by the Florida Board of Registered Nursing. Provider number # 50-1428.
This activity is designated for 4.50 contact hours.