Kenneth Roberts, MD

Dr. Roberts has a national reputation as an educator, a clinician, and a leader in pediatrics. He supplemented his pediatrics residency at Johns Hopkins with 4 years of preparation for a career as a clinician-educator: 2 years as chief resident and 2 years as Chief of the Physicians Development Activity at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. He was a residency program director for more than 20 years and president of the Association of Pediatric Program Directors. He is the author or co-author of more than 300 journal articles and book chapters, and has edited 10 books, monographs, and supplements. When Pediatrics celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2023, Dr. Roberts’ article on Educational Principles was honored by the AAP Committee on Pediatric Education as the most significant article of its era. He has given more than 100 presentations at national/international meetings and served more than 60 visiting professorships. His many national leadership positions include president of the Academic Pediatric Association as well as the Association of Pediatric Program Directors, and member of the American Board of Pediatrics Board of Directors. Among his numerous personal honors are multiple teaching awards from students and residents; the Medical Education Professional Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics; mentorship and leadership awards from two national organizations; and the Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr., Leadership Award. The St. Geme Award is a particular honor, as it is given by the 7 national pediatrics organizations that comprise the Federation of Pediatric Organizations with the criterion of having “created a future in pediatrics.” In addition, when the Pediatric Hospital Medicine community created a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016, Dr. Roberts was selected to be the inaugural recipient. Of particular relevance to this presentation, Dr. Roberts is the lead author of the AAP UTI Guidelines and co-lead author of the AAP Febrile Infant Guidelines.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:09/16/2024Date updated:09/16/2024