Traci Futch-West
Traci Futch-West is a dedicated Nurse Practitioner with 22 years of Nursing experience and 14 years of Nurse Practitioner Experience. Traci initially earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2002) and Master of Science in Nursing (2010) from the University of South Florida. She is dually certified as Family Nurse Practitioner and a Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. She initially worked in Pediatric Primary Care in Brevard County. She wanted to taker her practice to the next level and decided to pursue training in Rheumatology. She initially worked in Adult Rheumatology but found her way back to pediatrics. She has been at Nemours Children’s Health since 2021. Traci is currently a Nurse Practitioner in our Pediatric Rheumatology Specialty Clinic as well as Manager of the Advanced Practice Providers in the Outpatient Specialty Clinics.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/07/2024Date updated:05/07/2024