Kelli Dunham, RN, BSN

KELLI DUNHAM RN, BSN is a bachelor's prepared community health nurse, author and trauma-informed stand-up comic dedicated to making a difference in healthcare by leveraging the transformative power of humor and storytelling to help helpers help. Kelli is the author of seven books, including the best-selling Boy's Body Book, a ground-breaking guide to the changes of puberty, and FA Davis' How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Nursing School, an AJN book of the year, education division, in its very first edition.
A two-time Rubert Memorial Trust Scholar at Drexel University, Kelli was the first primary RN at Drexel's nurse-managed health center and developed novel, provider-friendly systems to track disease occurrences, risk factors, and other data needed to support grant applications and inform resource allocation decisions. As an independent scholar, Kelli developed a three-module curriculum for home visitors in the national Nurse-Family Partnership program to increase their capacity to serve LGBT parents and has presented "Engaging Your Care Averse LGBT Patients" nationwide to nurses and allied health personnel.
Kelli has presented about the use of humor in combating vicarious trauma and communicating with patients at The American Association of Medical Publishers, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Conference, Atlanticare, the Minnesota Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, AFT National Conference- HealthCare Division, the Mid-South College Health Conference, the National Association of Victims in Corrections, The Oklahoma State Child Abuse Prevention Conference, Pennsylvania State Home Visitors Conference, Smith College, Colorado State University, the National Academy of Medicine, and many more.
Former New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio once called Kelli a show-off. To her face.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/05/2024Date updated:03/05/2024