Jennifer McGrath, DNP, RN, CDCES, LNC
Jennifer McGrath is a Doctorly prepared Registered Nurse with 26 years of experience with Nemours, in pediatric inpatient and ambulatory care. She is a certified diabetes care and education specialist and legal nurse consultant. She is a member of the Nursing Professional Development team in addition to the Clinical Nurse Educator for the ambulatory care center. Jennifer is the current chair for the nursing shared governance research council, and chair for the ambulatory quality committee. As part of the nursing leadership team working to standardize nurse competency and nursing process while supporting the professional development of primary and specialty care teams. Areas of interest include education, quality and safety practices, and regulatory systems. Leading efforts in gender-affirming care practices in the ambulatory care setting.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:09/27/2023Date updated:09/27/2023