Elizabeth O'Donnell, MD
Dr. O’Donnell is a Neonatologist who has been with Nemours since starting her Pediatrics Residency in 2011. She has completed both her residency and fellowship training at the combined Nemours/Christiana Care/Thomas Jefferson University program and joined Nemours Neonatology as an attending physician in 2017. Dr. O’Donnell attended Temple University for Medical School and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Loyola University of Maryland in Baltimore.
Dr. O’Donnell focuses her research on Quality Improvement work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) locally and internationally. Both in her fellowship and currently, she has developed guidelines addressing the placement of central venous catheters in preterm infants and decreasing the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage in extremely preterm infants. She has also worked to develop a streamlined care model in the care of the extremely premature infant from the Delivery Room to the NICU. Currently she leads a consortium of Nemours-affiliated NICUs in the Delaware Valley and Florida in developing standardized neonatal care guidelines.
Dr. O’Donnell works with local communities as well as health care providers around the world teaching Helping Babies Survive and basic Neonatology and General Pediatrics. She currently works with the physicians and healthcare providers throughout The Gambia in Western Africa in efforts to improve the morbidity and mortality of newborns through quality improvement projects and teaching Helping Babies Survive.
Dr. O’Donnell lives in Berwyn, Pennsylvania.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:01/26/2024Date updated:01/26/2024