Elizabeth Bobo, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, FAND
Biographical Sketch
Elizabeth Bobo MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, FAND
Elizabeth obtained her Master of Science degree and completed her dietetic internship at the University of Florida in the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department. She is a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician and Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is employed at Nemours Children’s Health in Jacksonville, Florida as an outpatient dietitian where she is the clinical dietitian lead. She provides medical nutrition therapy for a wide breadth of nutrition conditions, but her primary areas of focus are nutrition support, particularly in children with short bowel syndrome, and nutrition management of inflammatory bowel disease. She is a member of the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Improve Care Now IBD teams at her institution.
Elizabeth is involved in multiple professional organizations, such as the Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which she was the president of from 2023-2024, and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). She has served on various professional committees, such as the ASPEN Parenteral Nutrition Safety Committee, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – ASPEN Standards of Practice/Standards of Professional Performance for RDNs in Nutrition Support Workgroup, and the U.S. Pharmacopeia Convention Parenteral Nutrition Safety Expert Panel. Elizabeth has served as an associate editor and chapter author of the ASPEN Pediatric Core Curriculum first, second, and soon to be third editions. She has given numerous professional lectures pertaining to pediatric nutrition. Currently, she serves as the chair of the ASPEN Pediatric Intestinal Failure Section. Elizabeth is passionate about pediatric nutrition and assuring that we are supporting the healthiest generations of children.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/13/2024Date updated:05/13/2024