Takeshi Tsuda, MD
Dr. Tsuda is a Senior Pediatric Cardiologist at Nemours Cardiac Center, Nemours Children's Health Delaware. He also serves as a Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Program and Cardio-Oncology Program. Dr. Tsuda graduated from Shinshu University School of Medicine in Japan. He completed Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. After completion of cardiology fellowship, he studied basic science, including developmental biology, extracellular matrix biology, and cardiac remodeling/heart failure research. His academic interests are focused on exercise physiology, cardiac rehabilitation, cardio-oncology, and dystrophic heart, Currently he serves as a Professor of Pediatrics, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.
Recent publications:
Tsuda T†, Kernizan D, Glass A, D’Aloisio G, Hossain J, Quillen J. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Characterizes Silent Cardiovascular Abnormalities in Asymptomatic Pediatric Cancer Survivors. Pediatr Cardiol 44(2); 344-353, 2023
Tsuda T†, Davidow K, D’Aloisio G, Quillen J. Surveillance cardiopulmonary exercise testing can risk-stratify childhood cancer survivors: BMC Cardio-Oncology 9(1), 42, 2023
Nigam P, Fitzgerald KK, Scavina M, Tsuda T†. Diverse cardiac phenotype of Becker muscular dystrophy: Under-recognized preclinical cardiomyopathy in pediatrics († Corresponding author) Pediatr Cardiol In press 2024
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/29/2024Date updated:03/29/2024