Xuyi Yue, PhD
Dr. Yue is a research scientist and lab head at the Department of Radiology, Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, and a research assistant professor of pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Yue received his molecular imaging training, particularly PET imaging, from the NIH and Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Yue’s lab focuses on developing radioactive imaging agents for preclinical research and clinical translation for brain disorders. He has successfully translated several imaging agents into clinical investigations. Dr. Yue received the Ursula Mary Kocemba-Slosky, Ph.D., Best ACNM Nuclear Medicine Research Abstract Award in 2020 and the NIH/NIBIB Trailblazer Award in 2021. Since 2022, his research has also been supported by the Delaware CTR ACCEL Pilot Award, Delaware INBRE Faculty Start-Up Award, Delaware INBRE Pilot Project Award, and The Nemours Foundation.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:04/17/2024Date updated:04/17/2024