Sophy Rodriguez, MSN, RN, CPN
Sophy J Rodriguez is an experienced nurse with 20 year in the pediatric specialty. She began her career at Children’s Hospital Boston, as a neonatal nurse, before moving to Florida and joining Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida in perioperative services. Since then Sophy has proudly completed her Master’s degree and served in roles of Nursing Supervisor, Operations Manager, Nurse Manager and now a Director of Patient Flow and Professional Excellence. Sophy has led the growth and development of our Clinical Logistics Center, Staffing Resource Pool, and Nursing Professional Excellence programs. She is program director for the RN Residency Program at NCHFL and led the program to re-accreditation in 2023. Sophy is passionate about emerging technologies and enjoys innovating and creating new processes to support the extraordinary care delivered at Nemours.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:01/08/2024Date updated:01/29/2025