Ryan Spellecy, PhD
Dr. Spellecy is The Ursula von der Ruhr Professor of Bioethics in the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where he directs the Human Research Protection Program. His work focuses on research ethics, informed consent, ethical issues in psychiatry, and community involvement in research. He was the co-PI for an NIH funded national study evaluating a novel, easier to read consent form for blood and marrow transplant trials, and was the PI on a study evaluating the strengths and barriers regarding cancer clinical trial participation in Milwaukee’s African American population. His current work includes working with the community to explain what Institutional Review Boards do and how they protect people enrolled in research, with a goal of improving the trustworthiness of academic medicine in the community.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:08/14/2024Date updated:08/14/2024