Gift Kopsombut, MD, MS
Dr. Gift Kopsombut joined the Division of Hospital Medicine at Nemours Children’s Hospital - Florida in 2017 and joined the Physician Informatics Team in 2021. In 2024, she was appointed as Enterprise Assistant Chief Medical Information Officer for Nemours Children's Health. She earned her MD degree at University of Tennessee and completed her pediatric residency at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond. She received her undergraduate degree with honors from Vanderbilt University as well as a MS in Molecular Nutrition and International Health Policy from the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University. She is currently an Associate Professor with the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, teaching medical students, Pediatric/Family medicine residents, and Hospital Medicine fellows during their Inpatient Pediatrics Rotations. Her current projects include optimizing Electronic Health Record utilization, improving clinical decision support and documentation, and implementation of Social Determinants of Health screening in the Inpatient setting.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:02/26/2024Date updated:10/29/2024